Short Fiction

First They Came…
The trick to passing is the same as any successful lie: stick as close to the truth as possible.
- First published in ASIM #55 (December 2012)
- Shortlisted: Best Fantasy Short Story (Aurealis Awards)

The Wages of Salt
Stories of children lost to the theriomorphs were like the ammonite fossils: everyone had their own.
- First published in Postscripts #18
- Listen (free) in PodCastle #117, read by Rashida Smith

Shaping Lily
Late in her seventy-eighth year, Janet Lily Jenkins buried her husband. She did not weep as the pastor prayed, nor as flowers dropped into the grave, nor yet as sods of earth thudded on to the coffin’s lid.
She did wonder somewhat at her own composure.
- First published in ASIM #45

There is a precise moment in which you realise you are an abortifacient. This is the reason for the butterflies.
- First published in Cemetery Dance #71
- Shortlisted: Best Fantasy Short Story (Aurealis Awards)

This Corpse is Full of Birds
The first was a fledgling, a Jacky Winter launched from the nest on new-found wings to snatch at an insect. His sole flight was a faltering plummet, yet it filled me with envy.
This is a tiny piece I originally wrote in answer to a prompt posted on Jeff VanderMeer’s Facebook page to write a story of no more than 200 words inspired by the line “this corpse is full of birds”.